This is part of a series showing how to create polymer clay letter canes. These alphabet cane tutorials were first published on my other website (, but now I’m moving all of my polymer clay-related posts over to the PolymerKay site instead. There are two different versions of this Letter C Polymer Clay Alphabet Cane Tutorial, but both are fairly simple. Nowadays I prefer the version I’ve demonstrated on the TikTok video, so one day I might get around to updating the written step-by-step instructions below to match that video version. (If you’d like me to do it sooner rather than later, let me know via the comments section or the Contact page.)

UPDATE (April 2024): Depending on your preferred learning style, there are now three ways to view the tutorial:

  • video
  • full step-by-step written and illustrated guide
  • handy one-page summary. 

(As mentioned above, the written version of instructions differs slightly from the video version, but they both demonstrate fairly simple ways to create a ‘C’ cane.)

Letter C polymer clay alphabet cane tutorial

Letter C polymer clay cane with watermark

You will need

Black and white polymer clay

Step-by-step instructions: Letter C alphabet cane tutorial

Step 0: Condition the clay (e.g. by rolling each colour through the pasta machine at least ten times, until they are soft enough to work with). (Here is an article about how and why clay should be conditioned.)

1: Roll the black clay into a sheet about 1.5mm thick (usually the middle setting of a pasta machine):

Sheet of black clay

2: Slice off a quarter of the white clay, to save for using later.

Cut off a quarter of the block to use later

3: Cut the remaining (larger) white clay in half, and roll out those two pieces to create cylinders:

Cylinder of white polymer clay
Cylinder of white polymer clay

4: Wrap one layer of the black sheet of clay around the sides of the first cylinder (and trim off any excess black):

wrap sides of cane with black clay

5: Slightly flatten the cane.

slightly flatten the cane

6: Cut the cane in half vertically.

Cut the cylinder in half vertically

7: Stack one half of the cane on top of the other.

Stack one half of the cane on top of the other

8: Cut the remaining white cylinder in half as well, and stack one half on top of the other.

stack the white cylinder pieces

9: Join the two stacks together.

Join the stacks

10: Using the white piece of clay that was cut off in Step 2, roll it through the pasta machine on the thinnest setting and then wrap thin white layers around the sides of the cane.

wrap sides of cane with white

11: Reduce the cane (e.g. by carefully rolling it on a flat surface until it becomes longer and thinner).

Finished Letter C polymer clay alphabet cane:

Letter C polymer clay cane with watermark

Here is the TikTok video tutorial:


Polymer Clay Cane Letter C Tutorial – Kay Vincent – PolymerKay. How to make a round letter C polymer clay cane. polymerClay polymerClayTutorial sculpey premo fimo katoClay craftTok craftTokArt craftIdeas

♬ 春よ、来い(「春よ、来い」より)harp version – Kyoto Harp Ensemble

…and finally, here is a handy graphic that shows the main steps all on one page.

Letter C polymer clay alphabet cane tutorial

Thanks for reading – I hope you found this letter C tutorial useful. If you’ve tried making any of these canes I’d love to hear from you – please share any successes (or problems) via the comments section or contact us page. Please also consider supporting me via the Ko-fi button below, which allows people to contribute to my polymer clay stash so I can keep creating these free tutorials for you.